Custom biomass drying is the process to remove moisture from biomass materials (e.g wood chips, wood residuals) using the Altentech® Biovertidryer® 1.3 biomass drying system and burning the final product in industrial boilers to generate heat and steam for electricity generation. This concept can be used in various industries, including pulp and paper and cement production. The custom drying model can be employed both on-site in conjunction with existing operations or a specific consumer, or at an independent drying site where fibre can be transported to and from various consumers.
Custom biomass drying provides value to existing industry businesses utilizing biomass and has great potential for expansion both within the North American market and globally. Benefits include; increased energy efficiency leading to operational cost savings, increased energy sales to third party buyers and reduction of pollution penalties.
The target customers for these custom drying projects are pulp and paper companies. Our research has identified close to 100 pulp and paper companies in North America alone that can benefit from outsourcing their custom drying needs. Expansion opportunities are available in two distinct ways; expanding into the global pulp and paper market and expanding into other industries that use a boiler and require steam for electricity generation.
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